Monday, January 24, 2011

Cookbook Review/Recommendation!

I've got loads of cookbooks -- I read them like other people read novels -- and they've all got their own personalities. Many of them stay on my shelf because of one or two favorite recipes. I'll admit that some haven't been off the shelf in a while! Occasionally I find one that I keep right on the counter for whenever there's an opportunity to use it. My newest one is that "I-can't-wait-to-try-another-recipe" kind, and I recommend it if you enjoy baking cookies.

Chewy Gooey Crispy Crunchy Melt-in-Your-Mouth Cookies by Alice Medrich is filled with delicious recipes, all with precise, easy to follow instructions. Plus, there is valuable information at the front and back of the book regarding technique, ingredients, and helpful tips. Alice is the "real deal" when it comes to baking -- she has credientials and experience to back that up. I attended her class at Central Market in December, and was fascinated by all I learned. I've been baking for over 40 years myself, and still picked up some great tips--like why some cookies bake better on foil while others are best on parchment paper. Who knew there was science in that?

She makes some of her cookies with melted (rather than softened) butter; much easier! Her coconut meringues are incredibly beautiful and tasty too. Peanut butter meringues? Yum. There are a bunch of gluten-free recipes and other special types. It's all arranged by texture, which is an interesting way to organize recipes.

This book is a great gift for the cookie-baker in your family or for yourself. You can't have mine -- it's autographed to me! :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Peanut butter meringue? I'm sold. Hey, next time you go to a Central Market cooking class, let me know. I'd love to come with you!

I'm the same way about cookbooks and recipe magazines. I can sit and read for hours. And I do try out a lot the recipes, though not as many as I dream of trying.